Saturday, August 11, 2007


Some much for my promise to myself.....The 2 weeks prior to the rally I vow I'm going to rest.
Oh, wait....I have to work to pay for this. Dealer sales calls, training, and 1700 miles. O.K. it's a great pre-ride test.

102 degrees 80% humidity, no big deal. Gotta figure out how to get to that key between the 2 GPS units. Note to self: Carry a spare for refueling.

The GPS V will simply be for recording miles in case the speedo cable breaks. The 2610 will be for routing. The closest I got to techology in '95, '97 and '01 was a brief encounter with an emap. Now I have 2 GPS's on board, and a tracking device. Will they all function properly?
Not if this is any indication. Hit a bump, and the 2610 turns off!! Great. Pull over, and dink with connections. No luck. Oh, well, better now than next week. Miss one of my sales calls, because I can't find the dealership. Onward! Hit another bump, and it tries to boot. Continues trying and finally succeeds. Great! I have a GPS again (for 50 miles when it definitely fails for the rest of the trip). The GPS V worked great, but it's brain isn't big enough!

Trip's over and I pull into the driveway. Voila! GPS works. I can now find my way into the garage.

Now I'll rest!
Wrong. Major storm damage, dragging limbs tearing apart the downed privacy fence, and feeling every joint in my bod!!
Oh, well.....there's still 6 days to rest.

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